Hot Dog Incident

The Kelly's and their friend, Adrian, pull a prank on Kelly M's dad.

Green T Tour

We venture six hours to Jacksonville, FL to see Hawk Nelson for their headlining Green T Tour.

Hawk Nelson Question and Answer

We asked the band, Hawk Nelson, a question for their question and answer contest.  We got picked! So be sure to keep checking back with an update and Hawk Nelson's answer to our questions!

Oh Canada!

The Kelly's went to Disney World for Kelly B's birthday.

Birthday's are fun!!!

Check out what Kelly M gave Kelly B for her birthday!

Hawk Nelson Valentine's Street Team Challenge♥

Hawk Nelson challenged their fans (friends!) to go to their music stores on Valentine's Day to thank them for selling their new album (Hawk Nelson is My Friend) by giving them, cards, candy, and cookies (homemade!)So we took it to the next level and wrote a song especially for the occasion, so here it is folks!

Revolve Tour 2008 Hawk Nelson!!!!!!! Part 2

The friggin amazingest concert EVER!!! hmm so we used 2 cameras, just in case you get confused by the different angles and whatnot. We were also too busy spazzing and jumping and wiggling and screaming and... to pay attention to the camera, So sorry if a couple of our fingers get in the way or wild jerks of the camera affects your viewing pleasure. Oh yes! everyone should definently watch it in full screen!!!
As some of you may know, Aaron Tosti (drummer of HN) recently left the band in early January. We just want to say that we will miss him a whole WHOLE!!! lot :( He was so great (no he was friggin great!) at playing the drums and we'll definently miss seeing him play at shows.
One of the Aaron pictures (idk which one??) belongs to HNnumber1
We wrote about the concert in our blog if you would like to read it at:

Revolve Tour 2008 Hawk Nelson!!!!!!!!! Part 1

The friggin amazingest concert EVER!!! hmm so we used 2 cameras, just in case you get confused by the different angles and whatnot. We were also too busy spazzing and jumping and wiggling and screaming and... to pay attention to the camera, So sorry if a couple of our fingers get in the way or wild jerks of the camera affects your viewing pleasure. Oh yes! everyone should definently watch it in full screen!!!
We wrote about it at our blog if you would like to read it at:

Road Trip

Us Kellys skipped school and drove four hours (okay so it wasn't THAT long of a trip) to Orlando to see Hawk Nelson for the Revolve Tour. We documented our VERY exciting trip, so you can see!
and MAKE SURE to watch Parts Two and Three because Hawk Nelson is in them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Hawk Nelson is just dandy!
and everyone knows they are 38432905325 times more entertaining than we could ever be.

Tag You're It!! Part 2

Well the title pretty much explains it all.

Tag, You're it! Part 1

We got Tagged! Once you get tagged by another Youtube user, you have to give five facts about yourself, and then tag five more people. So here's our five facts.

Tagged by: rootedinlove


If you're not listed here, we'd still LOVE to see five facts about you, so go forth! and create!!

If you want to see more of Kelly M's photography, heres her link:

Mall Part 2

Again The Kellys and their friend, Allison, Cause havoc in the mall...not really, but they do get kicked out of Dillards. If you listen REALLY closely, the little girl actually says, "why are they following us?" The Lady at the counter started yelling at us for filming her face, I really wish we could've gotten that on film, it was hilarious!

Our First Red Bull

We Drank a Red Bull for the first time ever! We were'nt sure if we would like it, but we do!!

Pizza Pizza man

Kelly B orders a pizza, and while she's waiting around for the pizza pizza man to come, she finds ways to entertain herself. Oh yeah and Invites Kelly M too!

Nalts' Sandwich

We asked Nalts, a Youtuber, to watch our videos, In return we would make him a sandwich.  Nalts watched our videos and we kept our promise by making him that sandwich.

Ice Skating

Kelly M, Kelly B and their friend Kirstyn go ice skating. They make snow angels and fools of themselves

Steven the sandman

Description: Since theres obviously no snow in florida, us Kellys made a sandman named Steven at the beach. He's a real hottie!

Clowns and glitter

Description: It was our job to take pictures at a kids event, and well...we kinda got distracted by all the shiny glitter and clowns!   we were not invited back

Battle of The Kellys

Description: To test our randomness, us Kellys had a contest to see who could come up with the most random phrases....oh yeah we also cut grass, pop bubble wrap, and rescue an escaped chinchilla.

Ready, set....JUMP!

Description: So this is a typical day in the lives of The Kellys...they have no cars, no jobs..... and so this is the result.


Description: So Kelly M was driving with her parents when her dad said, "Get that chip off your shoulder."(not literally) to her mom, resulting in giving Kelly the idea to make this video...oh yeah Team Karl sucks was also an inspiration! So we basically take metaphors literally.

Dr. Kelly

Kelly B was sick so I decided to try and cure her know.. standard procedures.

Mall madness

We wanted to have a fiesta, so we decided to ask various random people if they were interested. After about three hundred no's, we gave up and did our normal routine at the mall and target.

Shaquonda dance party

We kind of did our own version of lenay's "I have Barbies."

Head on

Ever seen the commercial, "Head On, apply directly to the forhead"? We do just that...but with more interesting items such as: A dog, a Ukalele, lipstick and peanut butter


This was our very first video! While on a safari trek through Kelly's street, we encounter: wild natives (or better known as Kelly's dad) crazy dogs that will eat you, and magical oranges!